this is quite possibly the best press release i've ever received, even if it's in celebration of today's holiday.
For Immediate Release - Inwindow Outdoor Acquired for $2 by Nation's Youngest Entrepreneur April 1, New York - In a bizarre turn of events, Inwindow Outdoor, the undisputed global leader in innovative outdoor advertising, has been acquired for $2 by an 18 month old toddler via an Ebay auction.
"I'm in complete shock", announced CEO, Steve Birnhak. "I was showing my nephew how to list an item on Ebay and as a joke I used my company as an example. I was just going to cancel the posting but I must have hit the wrong button. The next thing I know, I get an email from Ebay congratulating me on the sale to 'ShebsNYC' for the unfathomable sum of $2 using the 'Buy It Now' function."
ShebsNYC, it turns out, is the screen name for Shelby Wilder, a little girl who doesn't know how to type, much less use a computer. Her parents often buy toys and other items for Shelby using the auction site and thought it would be fun to make the purchases through an account set up for her. In this case however, the purchase was a complete accident. As her mother Joan explains it, "We have no idea how Shelby did this. She loves hitting the keys on our computer, or 'pooter' as she calls it, and this time she must have somehow managed to actually make a purchase. We're quite proud of her ambition."
Jeff Cohen, Director of Business Development for Inwindow Outdoor summed up the mood of the staff, "we were all extremely energized in anticipation of our upcoming launch of our new product - Pillvertising, which puts tiny ads on prescription capsules for popular drugs. You know how much this country medicates? Our company is growing like crazy and this was going to be the biggest thing since Gumballvertising, which we introduced last month. Then this happens. At least the folks at Bear Stearns got $2 per share. We got $2 total. Even if the offer is raised to $10, that's still not enough for all 20 of us to get home on the subway. We're all pretty demoralized."
As for Shelby's long-term plans for the company, her intentions as the new owner are unclear, but if her first day on the job is any indication, her presence is already taking the company in exciting new directions. According to Birnhak, "She and her parents showed up with around 14 other really little kids because it turns out her parents run a day care. It was absolute chaos. One kid bit my ankle. Another threw up in the fax machine. Instead of calling clients, I was reading 'The Little Gorilla' and 'Go Dog, Go!' and even changing diapers. I was about to have a breakdown when inspiration hit me harder than the stench hitting my nostrils. Diapervertising - ads on the inside and outside of diapers that are given away for free or low cost to parents!"
DEC's for Diapervertising have been conservatively pegged at 250,000 per baby based on the reply from the Magic 8 Ball sitting in the company's offices. Ned Ryerson, media buyer for Outdoor Edge Vest Share Group Com Star Media : FBI says, "Sounds reasonable to me".
For more photos, rate card pricing and information about Diapervertising, please click here: |
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Does she need an intern?
Does she really need it..
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